Troubleshooting Plumbing Issues
Plumbing issues can be difficult, expensive, and time-consuming. If you have an idea of what the issue is, there’s a chance you can fix it on your own. Even if you can’t do anything yourself, knowing what the problem could be will let you know what to tell the plumber when you call. Here are some of the common plumbing problems you may encounter and ways to overcome them.
Broken pipes
Orange County, for example, is one of the most densely populated places in America, and it is facing an expensive problem. About a fifth of the area’s water pipes are coming to the end of their useful lifespan. Not only are the pipes a bit old, but the soil is also corrosive. Of course, much of the pipe that needs to be replaced is the city’s responsibility, but some of the financial burden will rest on the shoulders of local residents. This is also an issue for plenty of other lcoations nation-wide. If you’re experiencing any of the signs of a major leak, be it reduced water pressure, damp spots in your yard or driveway, or a smell of sewer in the house, be sure to contact a plumber to get things working the right away.
Leaking faucets
Leaking faucets are a pain. They can run up your water bill and even cause damage if the pooling leaks in a place you can’t see. You might not believe it, but even a slow drip, if it is steady, can be costing you 20 dollars in water a week. In most cases, a dripping faucet is caused by a faulty seal on the valve that holds back the water supply coming into your home. Your water supply is under pressure, which is why water spurts out when you turn on the tap, and the seal holds this pressure back. To fix it, turn off the water supply and then remove the faucet assembly. Check that the screw and stem are not damaged. In most cases, the problem is the washer. Replace the washer with one of exactly the same size and be sure to wrap it in plumber’s tape.
Slow drains
If only one drain has slowed, it’s likely to be a localized clog. In that case, your first step should be to look down the drain and see if anything obvious is clogging it. If not, try using a plunger to clear it. You can use a toilet plunger or buy one specifically for sinks: it is the same shape but has a shorter handle. If this doesn’t work, try putting a half cup of baking soda down the drain and chase it with a half cup of vinegar. Let it sit for a couple hours and then send down some boiling water. If you’re completely sure that grease is the problem, use a half cup of salt and a half cup of baking soda and a pot of hot water. Let it sit overnight. If you experience constant drain problems, see about having the pipes inspected and replaced. You have great roofing, perhaps even an Everdrain roof, to protect your home from seepage and wet from above: make sure it’s not being eroded from below by faulty old pipes.
Toilet problems
If you’re not getting enough water in the tank to fully flush the bowl, try bending the float arm up just a bit. This will allow the tank to fill higher before the water turns off. If there’s plenty of water in the tank but not enough makes it into the bowl, check the tank ball on the flush valve and consider resetting the guide. If neither of these issues fixes the problem, there could be buildup from hard water in the small holes that sit under the rim of the inside seat. These small holes are where the water comes out, and buildup can block the water. Trying using a mirror to inspect them and a wire coat hanger to unclog them. These are just a few of the problems you can face when it comes to your home plumbing. If you get in over your head, don’t hesitate to call for professional help.