Credit Inquiries: Hard, Soft and No In-Between
When you get a copy of your credit report, you’ll see much more than just the credit accounts you have or had have. You can see your mortgage history, for example. You’ll see the original balance, the current balance, how old or new the mortgage is and what the monthly payments are. Next, you’ll see your payment history which will show any payments made more than 30, 60 and 90 days past the due date. Other credit accounts will show similar information. But the credit report will show more than just your credit accounts. It will also show something else referred to as ‘credit inquiries.’ What’s a credit inquiry? A credit inquiry is simply a third party looking at your credit report. There are two such types of credit inquiries. A hard and a soft inquiry. There is no third inquiry. No ‘In-Between’ type of inquiry. Credit inquiries can have an effect on your overall credit scores, but not all inquiries will. A soft inquiry is one w...