How to stave off recessed economy in housing, by experts
NIESV president, Sir Emmanuel Wike There is widespread eanxiety as Nigeria has entered another recession amid the coronavirus pandemic. The worst hit by the declining economic trend had been the housing industry, which was nursing injuries from government policies in the last four years. This year, particularly, the entire real estate sector performance slowed down, according to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) data. Following the latest development and coupled with limited spending, ability by governments, private sector and households, access to affordable homeownership in the country, may experience further slump below the pervading 25 per cent. Nigeria’s economy slipped into crisis after its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) contracted for the second consecutive quarter. There has been depletion in gross domestic product and cut in oil production, which is a major revenue source to government, to approximately 1.4 million barrels. The government...